We have heard people saying that love is like air; you can’t see it; instead, you can feel it. Love is something which could change your complete life and that also for good. Love doesn’t enter your life after giving a knock or after texting you anywhere. Love always comes unexpectedly, but whenever it comes, it spread happiness everywhere. Everything suddenly becomes beautiful and what adds to the beauty are our emotions. People usually say that love is complicated, but love is not complicated; instead, we humans are. When we don’t get someone we love, we keep chasing them, and when we get them, we start taking them for granted. 

We stop making efforts or increase our expectations and make a mess of everything and sometimes even lose our loved ones. Many couples give us ideal couple goals, and we even feel jealous of them sometimes. But as Rome was not built in a day, these couple goals didn’t even happen all of a sudden. It takes a lot of effort to develop an understanding among each other and be the perfect couple. But sometimes, things go out of control. 

Sometimes we forget that not everybody in this world gets this beautiful and pure gift of God referred to as love. We stop making efforts for our relationship, or sometimes we start losing interest in our partner. Couples end up fighting and then getting divorced. But instead of getting separated, we could also visit coach personnel. They are the professionals who work to save our relationships. They are best at giving us a new outlook and giving us a second chance to our relationships instead of getting separated.

When to see coach personnel?

There are situations that we think we can’t handle. Instead of solving them, we start ignoring them. This is where the problem arises. And when things seem to go out of control, we should go for a coach personnel.

Problems like ignoring each other’s feelings, showing attitude to each other, or not giving much time make things worse. The first thing we should do is try to solve things on our own because no one could understand us as a couple better than us. But if things didn’t work out and we want to save our relationship at any cost, we should take the help of a personnel coach.

They will listen to us and understand our problems and then guide us in the right direction. They will show us a new outlook and will try to create an understanding between the couple. They will try their best to resolve all the issues between a couple and change their decision to get separated. Here, the best part of coach personnel is that they are not biased. Most of the time, we usually talk to our friends or relatives about our relationship problems, but their suggestions could be biased, which is not the case with personnel coaches. Instead, they are expert professionals who would look into the matter by taking both the partners into consideration and giving a piece of sensible advice that will help us make the right decision.

I would conclude by saying that love is not at all complicated. Instead, it is magical, but we are complicated, and our thoughts are. We usually fight on the simplest things and make them complicated. But during this stage, there is no harm going for a coach personnel. They are for our help and will always give the right suggestion without being partial to anyone.


Have we ever thought about why it is always said to fall in love? Because love is a journey, in which we fall from the real-world to our dream world. A world which gives us the strength to fight against all our problems and also gives us a home in a person where we can go and forget all our problems and just be relaxed. Everybody defines love according to their own thoughts and languages. But whether it is love or Aisuru or citation amour the feelings are always same and pure.

We usually say that love is blind because when we are in love, we don’t care about the imperfections of our partner instead we fall in love even more with their imperfections. The decision of spending your life with a person is not easy but when we are in love this becomes the most beautiful decision of our life.  Love has no boundaries for languages, religion, or any other thing. Certain couples give us a couple goals and then some who scare us from the word itself, love. The couples giving us a couple goals have great chemistry among themselves, understand each other and the most important thing is that they trust each other.

But again, when we see some other couples, they have very little compatibility, they face problem in understanding each other also they lack trust. Sometimes by spending more time with each other their problem is solved and at last when nothing turns out they get separated. But there are other things we can do to solve such problems. We can also go and have an appointment with a couple coaches. Their vision of citation amour would do a great help in solving our problems.

People change gradually with time and when we are not able to accept that changes in the person we love, things become a bit messy, and due to lack of communication differences increase and couples reach the edge of separation. But sometimes a couple of coaches can act as a fabulous catalyst in improving our chemistry. They listen to you, understand you, and then make you understand the importance of your partner in your life.

Blame game

Judging each other is easy but understanding each other is what is going to solve the problem. Blaming each other without considering the actual cause of the problem is easy but understanding the problem and finding a solution together can only help you to give the perfect couple goals. Nobody is perfect in this world; everyone has imperfections but knowing and excepting someone with all their imperfections is what we call partnership.

Is living alone easy?

Making yourself busy or chilling with friends or Netflix is not going to help you always. There are situations when we need someone with whom we can feel at home someone whom we can trust blindly, someone who cares for us, who loves us without expecting anything other than love. So, it is important that when we get that someone special in our life, we take complete care of his emotions and never let him go.

Live your life to the fullest, fall in love with someone with all your heart and soul, and keep him to you for ages to come. It is very difficult to get true love but if you have one keep it safe. It’s very easy to leave but it’s difficult to stay and stay forever. Fights are an indispensable part of a loving relationship but never let these fights control your relationship or create a huge gap of misunderstanding and trust. Hold on to your relationship and make everyone moment of it worth living.

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School Bus Initiative

The focus of our last quarter has been working with local groups to improve bus networks. We believe that it is vital to provide transportation options for children living in rural areas. Thanks to our donors we were able to fund 50 buses and 200 cars that transport children to schools all around the globe.

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